Info about Athens
There are two basic tariffs, number 1 and number 2. Depending on the time of day and the journey, the driver must select the correct rate. Tariff 1 is the "day rate" used from 05:00 till midnight. Tariff 2 is the night rate valid from midnight to 05:00. Tariff 1 is used within the city limits where the taxi is registered. Tariff 2 is used outside that zone. The number 1 or 2 should be clearly visible on the meter.
Taxi driver’s obligations
• To be polite, willing to serve their passenger and be decent.
• To give you any kind of information related to the taxis’ service (price,
route, etc.).
• Not to carry more passengers than the specific number their taxi-license permits.
• To take care and clean the interior and exterior of the car.
• To deliver anything that might be left in the car to the police or the owner.
• Not to operate any kind of musical equipment or the car windows without your permission. The
driver does not need your approval to open de window on his side.
• To use the shortest route to your destination unless you yourself choose a different route.
• The driver must have a road map of the area in his taxi.
• The driver has no right to take on other customers unless he has asked for and received your
• After dark, he has to have the sing with the inscription "FREE" switched off when the car is
occupied and switched on when it is available.
• To operate the taximeter as soon as you get into the car.
• Not to refuse you unless you are under the influence of any kind of illegal substances, are not
sober or are not accompanied by a person who is.
• To help you carry your luggage in and out of the car.
• Upon your request, the taxi driver has to provide you with an official receipt, not a hand written
one. The receipt has to mention the total amount, the taxi license number, the license plate
number and the name of the taxi driver.
Passenger’s obligations
• To be decent and avoid causing anything that might damage the car.
• Not to smoke.
• To take care of children, pets and objects that are in the taxi.
• In case the taxi gets dirty due to the passengers fault, (s)he is obliged to pay for cleaning the car.
• Blind people, disabled people or pregnant women always go first even when they are at the end of
a passengers waiting line.
Known scam tricks
• The taxi driver lets you get in and drives off without turning
the meter on and without telling you how much the ride will
cost you. Tell him to turn the meter on.
• He will give you a price that is significantly higher than the
actual value of the trip. This price may seem reasonable to
you, as taxi fares in other parts of the world are higher and
distances traveled are typically longer. Don’t accept this and
tell him to turn on the meter.
• You ask for the meter to be turned on. He will fumble with it, but not turn it on properly. In the
meanwhile, you are away from the taxi stand and, if it is late night and you carry heavy luggage, it
would be difficult to find another taxi, if you ask to get off. Tell him you will report him and/or to


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