Street cafe in Athens

Time to visit Athens

The best time to visit Athens is in the fall and spring when the weather is agreeable and sunshine is pretty much a guarantee. Not to mention, crowds are thinner and hotel rates are cheaper. However, because of its Mediterranean location, Greece experiences warm weather throughout the year. Summer brings stifling heat and hordes of tourists, so we'd recommend avoiding Athens during this season.


Spring is an excellent time to visit with fewer crowds and cheaper rooms than you'll find in the summer. Just keep in mind that Athens is a coastal city - Athenians often refer to spring winds as "having teeth, " so pack a light jacket to protect yourself from the bite.


Between June and September, many Athenians head to the beach or smaller villages to escape the heat and large influx of tourists that commandeer the city. Not only is Athens crowded, but summer temperatures can easily skyrocket into the 90s. On the positive side, a large number of festivals occur during the summer.

Key Events:

  • Athens/Hellenic Festival (June-August)
  • Lycabettus Festival (May-September)
  • Rockwave Festival (June-July)
  • Athens International Dance Festival (July)

Pleasantly warm weather and discounted rooms make the fall a good time to experience Athens. You can also take full advantage of restaurants and nightclubs, which reopen after the summertime shutdown.


If you're planning a winter trip, make sure to pack an umbrella; on average, December is the rainiest month. Also, highs range around 50 degrees Fahrenheit in January, so the weather really isn't much of a draw. However, if you don't mind the less-than-ideal weather, you're sure to get a great price on a room.

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